DDS Tool
The game's textures are converted to a format called DDS. For whatever image editor you use, you'll need to make sure it can read and write DDS files. If you use Paint.NET (which you can
get for free), then the best (and only?) DDS plugin is available from
dean ashton (download the file). I recommend you download and install that if you are using Paint.NET
Show me the textures!
The texture files can be found in data\ art\ models, and have an RGT file extension. Lets find the engineer file: data\ art\ models\ races\ allies\ soldiers\ shared_textures\ tex_al_engineer.rgt . Right click on this file and choose Dump RGT to TGA/DDS. A message will appear saying that the RGT has been converted to DDS DXT1 with mip levels - it is important to remember what kind of DDS file it is. You should end up with a DDS file that looks like this:

Lets get editing...
If you open this DDS into Paint.NET, you'll get no popup asking you how to load the file, which is nice. Now you can apply your creative stlye:

Once you're done, save the file as a DDS again. The save dialog will popup. Make sure the right texture type is selected from the dropdown ("DXT1 (Opaque/1-bit Alpha)" in this case). Tick or don't tick Generate Mip Maps (depending on wether or not it said "with mip levels" when you converted the RGT). Press OK to finish the save process.
Getting it back ingame
Close Paint.NET and go back to the mod studio. Right click on the engineer's DDS file and choose Convert DDS to RGT. Go to the Play menu, tick dev mode, and then choose play in CoH.
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